Secure and Pure™ & Pure Fusion™
Edlon - Fluoropolymers

Secure & Pure™ Pure-Fusion fluoropolymer (PTFE/PFA/FEP/ETFE/ ECTFE/PVDF) loose and bonded liners for ultra-high-purity bulk chemical day tanks, slurry tanks, and storage equipment assure product purity, and our seam welds maintain vessel integrity, batch after batch, year after year.
EDLON utilizes our fusion welding technique not only when seaming together sheet liners, but also when installing nozzles into liners. EDLON’s fusion welded nozzle seams enable us to eliminate some of the most common failure modes, such as vapor permeation through a weak air weld. Fusion welded seams significantly reduce stress risers and the risk of stress-cracking that is normally associated with industry standard root weld and cap strip (hand air welds) in these critical areas.
- Heads thermoformed for exact fit and exceptional bond to substrate
- Pure-fusion welds used as principal sheet joining method
- Less seams = less possibility of problems occurring
- Use of low stress design and fusion welds greatly improve liner life
- Fusion welded seams are flat, smooth, and virtually invisible, leaving no step or crevice between liner sheets for metal ion contamination, or other impurities to collect and possibly affect your process.