Slurry Agitators
Mixion - Mixing Technology

Slurry agitators are top entry agitators used in liquid & solid mixing applications. These are typically seen in slurry mixing applications in minerals & metals industries like Iron ore in beneficiation plants, Alumina, Zinc, Lead, Copper, Silver, Coal ash, Uranium, Phosphate, FGD, lime. The primary objective of liquid-solid mixing is to create and maintain a slurry and/or to promote and enhance the rate of mass transfer between the solid and liquid phase.
Material of Construction: Carbon Steel with or without lining (Rubber lining, FRP, PVDF, PTFE, Halar etc)
Applications: Minerals & Metals (Alumina, Iron Ore, Zinc, Copper, Sliver, Gold Mines, Themal Power)
Motor Rating (kW) | Shaft Diameter (mm) | Operating Pressure | Shaft Length |
0.55 - 185 | 50 - 500 NB | Atm | Upto 30m |
Design and working
The robust mechanical design of our slurry mixers account for heavy-duty gearbox, sturdy shaft, fluid forces considering draw off conditions, settling velocities, start-up in settled solid conditions, with or without the need for bottom support. Based on the application requirement, rubber lining for wetted parts can be provided. Our offering capabilities include drive arrangements with standard or special motors, and gearbox types – inline helical, bevel helical, parallel helical.
We take pride in highlighting our installations as huge as 30 meters long shaft made from 500 NB pipe with 4 stages of impellers and each impeller of 6 meters diameter.